
Raycast - replacement for bunch of MacOS apps

Raycast - replacement for bunch of MacOS apps

I’m using Raycast since I found it as small project on Github. But till recently, it was just replacement for Spotlight, with few additional functions. Lately, I put more attention to message I got from Raycast newsletter regarding plugins system. I decided to take a look. And it was a lucky shot.

Let me tell you more. As daily MacBook and MacOS user, i’m looking for tools/apps, which will make my life and work easier (probably like majority of You). I don’t want to write a poem, so I just show the table, where there will be plugin from Raycast, which became a replacement for application from the same row.

Feel fre to try it - it will make your life easier, and for sure free your Mac resources. And productivity boost.

Upcoming calendar eventsDato
App UninstallerAppCleaner
Window ManagementMagnet
Format JSONJayson
Tailwind CSS ColorpickerTint
Todo ListTodoist

Those are apps replacements, but Raycast has also a great amount of extensions for tools and apps used on daily basis, I can just list few:

  • 1Password
  • Brew
  • Apple Notes
  • Spotify
  • Notion
  • Youtube
  • Google Chrome
  • Github
  • Things
  • Zoom
  • JIRA/Confluence
  • Docker
  • Slack
  • Google Workspace and many, many more…

Feel free to try it: 🏠 Raycast Homepage 🏪 Raycast Store

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